What are the terms and conditions for this promo code?
- This promo code and/or product(s) is available on Watsons Online and/or Mobile App only.
- This promo code can only be used ONCE in successful transactions.
- This promo code can only be used for purchases under Watsons Online and/or Mobile App only.
- This promo code is only applicable to Johnson’s Baby Products
- This e-voucher is not exchangeable for cash.
- E-voucher validity is limited in time and such validity period shall be as prescribed in any individual voucher policy.
- Watsons reserves the right to cancel any orders with invalid usage of promo codes.
- Watsons reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
- Each promo code is limited to one purchase per person, per household.
- This promo code is valid from 1st May 2019 till 31st March 2020.